Last week I mentioned being in a funk and going on an organizing rampage. Since my mom was here to help with the kids I was able to get so much done! (thanks mom!) Here are some of the before and after pics.
I’ve been wanting to use my bedroom hutch to house all of the educational workbooks, flashcards, etc. for the girls. Beginning of summer seemed like the perfect time to get this mess in order.
Everything is categorized – bottom shelf is stuff on Addison’s level, middle shelf for Ellie, and the top shelf for educational stuff that they aren’t quite ready for. Now when we have down time over the summer it will be so easy to pull out something to work on with them.
Love being able to close the cupboards and have it put away so the girls aren’t getting into it without me.
Next I attacked the games. Our games were spread out all over my house. Some were in the girls’ closet, some were in the hutch, some were in a cupboard downstairs – none of them were getting played with much.
I rounded them all up and put them in this big drawer below the girls’ bunk beds (these big storage drawers were the reason I fell in love with their bunk beds in the first place). Now they are all together and in a location that the girls can get to easily. Ready for summer afternoons when we need a little down time.
On to closets! Here’s another mid-mess picture. Kole loves to stare at the light coming through the window almost as much as I love to stare at him.
I went through all of the girls’ clothes (I do this every six months) and got rid of the stuff they aren’t wearing and organized all of their summer clothes.

Then I organized all of their drawers. One for ballet clothes/shoes, one for summer nightgowns, one for swimsuits, etc.
Since I had so many bags already going to Goodwill I decided it was a good time to go through the baby toys and get rid of stuff I didn’t think I’d use for Kole.
Fun to see all of these toys out again. :)
Since the girls’ closet and games were organized I decided to complete their room by going through all of their books. Kole is an organizing maniac!

Warmer clothes that will still fit them next year are on the other side of the closet.

Then I organized all of their drawers. One for ballet clothes/shoes, one for summer nightgowns, one for swimsuits, etc.

xoxo, Erin
I have been posting my organizing on Facebook. SO thrilling. My goal is 1 closet/ bookshelf/ dresser a day. You’ve done great.
Such a lift, isn’t it?
Are you on Facebook?
Oops…i was signed in under my photography account. That’s my comment above :)
WOW! Good for you. I cleaned out my linen closet and thought I had done good. Then I read YOUR post. UGH! But, glad for you. Everything looks great! And yeh, doesn’t it feel GOOD??!!
It all looks great! I think you and baby Kole need to take a little trip to Alabama and come over to help me out this summer. :)
I love your organizing enthusiasm. I’m going through my Caleb’s room today and I’m sure a lot of things will be going. I hope this helps with your funk :)
You must have been a teacher before you became a mommy. I spy a Joy Cowley book! :)
Love your organizing pictures! How did you do the sticky note?
Man…I need to get in a funk so that I get motivated to get all of that done!!!! It looks wonderful!! Cute little Kole…He is such a content little guy to just hang out on the floor while you get it all done!!
Is Carly going to read your blog anymore????
Are you trying to kill Shari for good? Between the June gloom and summer break, this post might just do it. Not to mention Carly?
*gag* *puke*
Ugh, Erin, you’re killing me!!!!
Okay, I’m supposed to be nesting right now….but you’re doing a little better than me, actually a LOT better!! When can you come visit my house and do that?
organizing feels great, doesn’t it? i’ve got a few items on my to do list to tackle. now that you’re all done organizing your whole house come play with us at the beach!! ;)
Nice! Love that organized feeling. So crisp and clean … love it and now you can enjoy the summer.
Now that is impressive and looks fantastic; so tell me, how do you deal with bunk beds? Is there an easy way of tucking in sheets on the top bunk that I’m not aware of? Being in the military for 5 years, I’m kinda nuts-o about the beds being a certain way. :o) Share your trick!
I could really use you at my house! My game closet & book shelves are soo unorganized! I wish I had some of your enthusiasm!
I love all the organizing you did. Everything looks great. I do this every couple months too and now more and more my girls who are 13 and month shy of 12 do it all on their own now. Sometimes I think they are playing and they will call me up there and show me their straightend drawers, desk, under the bed then give me the stuff they don’t want to take care of. It’s always so nice when you can find things easier. So funny that you always had kole laying on the floor you could almost not even see him.
I love your organizing posts. They motivate me. Kole is getting so big! What a cutie!
Maybe I can ask this question under organizing? It really deals a little more with time management. How do you do your hair? It always looks so nice and styled, healthy, and pretty. When you were writing about being in a funk, I identified with wearing my hair in a pony everyday because it takes extra time to do my hair and I just need girlfriend advice. Like do you wash it at night after the kids are asleep? in the morning and let it air dry then blow dry the style, straighten and add a little curl with the iron? how long do you think it takes you to do your hair? I mean I think it takes me over 15 mintues just to fully blow dry. Is there a product you really like? I guess I wanted to ask an expert in style and time managment! Thank for you blog, I really enjoy your honesty, tips, ideas, and love for life! God bless!
I HAVE to know where you got your girls bunkbeds.. they are absolutely perfect!! Thanks! :)
even though I do a reasonably regular declutter, the next time I go to do it I still find more to donate/recycle/bin/compost. I think it grows in there when no one is looking~!
*thumbs up* for decluttering :) and thanks for the inspiration.