The Roller Coaster in Toontown is one of Ellie’s favorites. She cracks me up on rides throwing her hands up in the air and laughing the whole time. El’s a fun one to hang out with.
xoxo, Erin
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Awesome! nothing beats planning ahead and being prepared to outsmart the rest of the park attendees.
It really was the best trip ever! We LOVED staying with you guys and celebrating Ellie’s birthday! We all had so much fun, and I definitely agree, overall the rain was our friend! Still can’t believe we got to do so much w/o a wait, it was awesome! Now we are missing you guys like crazy and can’t wait till our next get together! How often can you handle a visit from us? :):)
We love you guys so much, THANKS for everything!!!
Those friendships are so special. Matthew has a little girl friend who he’s known since they were babies. We visit them in whatever faraway place they move to, they come see us during holidays. And it’s been so fun to see them get so excited to see each other each reunion. (I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I snap a few extra pictures “just in case” we use them for a wedding vid. I just love her parents and think it’d be so rad to be in-laws). I was friends with Matt’s friends in HighSchool, and it pleased me very much when they chose awesome women who I get along with. Josie seems fun, and she has some kickin’ biceps.
Happy Birthday to Little Ellie! What a fun birthday she had, ponchos and all.
I’ve known the rain trick for a long time now… it really is the best, isn’t it? We only have 41 days till we head down for our D’land trip… but who’s counting????
what a fun time with great friends! way to brave the rain.
oh, and your belly is looking too cute these days. :)
Hi Erin, I am really enjoying reading your blog! Great photos you have to share. Oh, and my bday is in 41 days……….you made me get up and count!
What a fun post with such cute pictures. You’re little 6 year old is darling and I share your desire for them to STOP growing up so quickly. I have a 6 year old myself that I wish I could just freeze in time. Glad you all had such a fun time celebrating!
p.s. you are a too cute pregnant girl!
Oh this looks like the best trip ever!! I want to plan a trip just like this…come stay with you and go to Disneyland, and Sea World!! How fun!! We went to Disneyland when I was PRegnant with Cam…they had record rain that day…and we walked on EVERY ride, too!! It really is the BEST!!
Happy Birthday to little Ellie!! What a fun birthday she had!! I love the rain gear! Those girls are always all dolled up!!