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19 thoughts on “Getting ready for Fall

  1. Oooooh…it looks so good! Love the great pictures…they are all just perfect! Hope you are feeling less icky…that first trimester goes so slow!

  2. I love your new blog design – I am so jealous that you get to decorate your house for fall. It’s my favorite holiday – but I am heading to St. George in the next week or so until December so no decorating my house this year – unless my mom will let me decorate hers.

  3. K…now that I am attempting 2 blogs..I have to say that I am so impressed with your “up to date” look and info. U r a blogging guru!

  4. Love the new blog design! It is time to pull those fall decorations out of the closet! I can’t believe it is OCTOBER! I love this time of year… I think I say that at the change of every season.

  5. Hey…your house looks more like Fall than mine…and we actually experience Fall here! No fair! Mom did give me her spiced pumpkin candle last weekend, so it at least smells Fall. Wish you were coming for Thanksgiving…it would be a great time to break out those new boots! Did they arrive at your house ok? Call me this weekend.

  6. I’m a friend of Lacey’s and clicked on your blog by mistake once and thoroughly enjoyed reading your letter to the Chargers! Have been a fan (of your humor, sharing) ever since. Our daughter and son in law also live in San Diego.

  7. I love your fall decorations, and I love the way you put the pictures together. Your new look for your blog is so cute! I just love fall don’t you!

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