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Home Decor

Fall Console Table

Well.  It has become crystal clear to me lately (as our summer ceases to cease) that I’m going to have to create my own Fall if I want to enjoy this beloved season.  Fall isn’t happening outside in my neck of the woods so I’m going to make it happen inside.  Starting with the console table!

I had so much fun styling this table.  It is so very me and how I love to decorate.  Mixed neutrals with a pop of color.

Speaking of a pop of color, aren’t the coral roses beautiful!?  Perfect addition to go with the rest of the coral in this room.  I picked them up at the grocery store for 10 bucks.  Kenny came home from work a few nights ago and I told him “you bought me roses today because you’re nice like that.  Thank you!  They’re beautiful and I love them.”

Sometimes we just have to take matters into our own hands.  :)

And how adorable is this pitcher!?  A white pitcher with black AND gold stripes?  Perfection.  Have you seen it at Target?  Hands down my favorite thing I’ve bought from that store.
And that’s saying a lot.
I used a simple white platter from the kitchen to hold a few Fall goodies.  I love natural looking Fall decor.  Although my twigs and pine cones and pears do have a bit of gold bling.  :)  I always use a lot of mini white pumpkins when I decorate for Fall too.  Can’t seem to get enough of them.

The branch is from a tree in my area.  I have to tell you my story.  I get home with several branches I’ve cut and I find “the one” and I’m pruning it to go in my vase.  I’m having quite the Martha Stewart moment feeling so impressed with myself for “bringing the outdoors in” when all of the sudden a HUGE green spider comes crawling off of the branch and onto my arm!  I seriously screamed so loud!  Scared me to death.  The girls came running and saw the spider and they screamed too.  I grabbed a napkin and killed that sucker so fast and then looked around at the total mess I’d made with dirt and branches all over my kitchen and had to laugh.

Martha moment was sweet while it lasted.

But now that it’s all behind me I have to say that I love my branch.  Worth the near heart attack?  I do believe so.

Now this table is such a happy spot when you come around the corner and into the family room.  Having a bit of real decor in the house is making me excited to add more.  This is such a fun time of year to nest.  Are you a nester?  I could stay inside my house all day long nesting.  Organizing, decorating, cleaning.  Ok..  maybe not the cleaning.  But definitely the organizing and decorating.  Too bad other things (like life) get in the way.  :)

Had to smile when I came across this picture.
See those little feet popping up in the bottom right corner?
What would I do without my little helper (and his animals) who are always around to assist with styling and photography?    Not to mention great conversation.
Probably get a lot more than just a console table done.
But the company is worth it.
He makes me happy….
You know the rest.
xoxo, Erin
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18 thoughts on “Fall Console Table

  1. Hi Erin! I love the table and the way you decorated it! It looks beautiful! I hope the weather outside starts to cooperate with your decor inside! (Love your little helper!)

  2. Love your fall decorating and your hub is so sweet to get you those roses! :)
    Big spiders are spinning webs all over outside at our house! A little creepy!

  3. YEA!! I’m so glad you all like it! Thank you!

    Chris – thank you! That fireplace kind of drives me nuts! It’s hard to style because if i’s size. Love it but I wish it was a tad smaller!

    Jboo – spiders sound FUN. I need to get going on my front porch too!

    Sarayan – what a kind thing to say. Thank you! That means so much to me. xx

  4. LOVE it all!! Your styling is off.the.chart!! If I may ask- 1) where did you find your lamp 2) where did you find your table? A.MAZ.ING!!

  5. Lovely!! About two years ago I cut some knockout roses from a bush in our yard to decorate our inside space and as I was patting myself on the back for being so very resourceful, three pinching bugs came crawling out from the roses and onto my arm. Screaming. Fast killing. Haven’t cut any since : )

  6. Great job! Love the table! Can I ask where you got the baskets on the bottom? Looking for some big ones for my table…..!

  7. Anonymous – thank you! Baskets are from Restoration Hardware.

    Jen – I bought the sign in Utah from a store called Tai Pan. Wish I knew how to make stuff like that! :)

    Thanks sweet Becky! xo

    Amanda – LOVE that pitcher! Go Target!!

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