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Oh my goodness! You are all so kind to comment and help me out with my little dilemma. Can I call it that? A dilemma? That makes it sounds so serious. I loved hearing from so many of you! Even though half of you chose #1 and half of you chose #2 making it no easier for me to decide! :) So I came up with a little compromise. I’ll use the one above for January and the header below for February.

See. I’m a people pleaser. An indecisive people pleaser. I would spend more time mixing it up from December’s look but I just don’t have time right now. Kenny and I are completely consumed with some changes that will be taking place for our little family. More on that later…

Thanks again for your help! You were all so kind – don’t be surprised if I start turning to you more frequently to make important life changing decisions for me. You know – like which jeans I should put on in the morning, whether or not I should toast the bread for my turkey sandwich for lunch, or if I should take off my make-up right after I put the kids to bed or hours later right before I actually go to bed. I dread doing it, but I’m always so glad I did it early when it’s midnight and I’ve been up too late blogging again…

xoxo, Erin
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15 thoughts on “THANK YOU!

  1. I like your choice. GOod idea for using the runner up for next month.
    Sounds like you have something fun and exciting going on! A new house perhaps?
    Up late blogging again… haha that was me last night. Tired this morning!

  2. Holy Hannah Banana. You had over 70 comments for this? Dude, I need to blog more. This kind of decisive power is amazing for the most indecisive person in the world(me).

  3. changes to your family? okay, now you got me curious.
    Is it….
    a move to a new city?
    a new, larger house?
    getting a dog, are you?
    Am I completely off track?

    Okay, I guess I’ll just have to be patient and wait for your post ;)

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