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Home Decor

Saturday 6

Happy Saturday and happy February! I can’t believe January is over and I can’t believe that it actually went by quickly this year! Usually January feels like the longest month ever to me and I think it felt different this year because our girls were home from college through some of January making it feel like Christmas vacation was longer and January was shorter. Maybe that’s why? Who knows!? Whether January felt short or long to you this year it’s behind us and spring is right around the corner. YEA. :)

I am ready to add some life back into my home and have been looking for a new faux tree for the corner of my bedroom and a couple of other spots. I was feeling especially indecisive and really wanted to see the trees I loved on-line in my home before I made up my mind so I ended up ordering 6 trees – 3 smaller trees and 3 larger trees. Kenny came home from work and I was unboxing them in the mudroom.. it looked like a forest.. ha! Trees everywhere. He was like um.. what is happening!? Nevermind. Carry on.

All in a day over here. ;)

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Moringa Tree

Sharing my 6 faux trees with you for today’s Saturday 6! I set them all in the same spot so you can get an idea of size. The first 3 are shorter and I want something larger and fuller for this corner but I honesty love all 6 of these tree so much and have a spot for one of the shorter trees too. This tree has a beautiful shape and I love the white modern pot.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Bay Leaf Tree in a Basket

Aren’t the leaves fun on this tree!? Such a deep, dark green and love the basket!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Pterocarpus Leaf Tree

This is a pretty tree with a similar look to the first tree but a basket vs. a pot. I like that you can make this tree have a full look or a slim look depending on how big your space is!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Shady Lady Tree

Cutest tall tree! This reminds me a lot of my PB tree I just shared in this post. Very realistic and the pot is so fun and unique! 10/10! It keeps selling out on-line and then coming back in stock. I’m definitely keeping it somewhere! But I want something fuller for this spot in my bedroom.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Gypsophila Leaf Potted Tree

This is a gorgeous tree! It’s so tall and thin so perfect for corners. I love the pot but wish it was just a little bit bigger for such a large tree. I might put this where my PB tree was in my family room and move that tree to a different corner. Musical trees around here at the moment! This is another tree that keeps selling out so if it’s in stock and you want it don’t wait. It has such a light and airy spring vibe!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Olive Tree

Winner for my bedroom corner! I LOVE a good olive tree and this is absolute perfection. The leaves! The shape! The pot and faux moss! Plus it’s the perfect size for this corner.. nice and full like I wanted! I moved it more into the corner and will get a better pic of how it looks with the whole room. It’s hard to tell the impact it made. I feel like my bedroom came alive!

I hope this was helpful if you are looking for a faux tree. They are such a good way to add warmth and life to your home without the maintenance! These 6 faux trees are all so realistic you really can’t tell they are fake until you are right up next to them. I’m a fan. :)

Enjoy your weekend!

xoxo, Erin
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6 thoughts on “Saturday 6

  1. Erin,
    You read my mind! I’ve been looking to get a new tree! Mine are SO old! I would be embarrassed to even say! Hint: they are from the days where “ Fiddle leaf fig” was the buzz word in faux trees! Ha! One is so old that I actually hosed it off on the deck last year to get a bit more life out of it! Actually, that worked!
    I will be reading your tree descriptions!
    PS. What is the name of that family game you all love? “Who knows you best”? Amazon?

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