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Porch/Life Update

{Tall Ficus Trees/Jute Rug/Similar Jute Rug/Stars & Stripes Doormat/Amazon Planters/Modern Rustic Fluted Planters/Faux White Shrubs/Faux Geraniums/Americana Wreath/Similar Hydrangeas}

Happy Tuesday! Ok.. I know you’ve seen this porch BUT I added some new trees and my new planters and my cute new white shrubs and I took some new pictures so my old porch is feeling new and I wanted to share it. :)

{Planter Pots/Faux White Shrubs}

These little white shrubs are so good right!? I had lots of questions in IG stories about how many shrub stems I have in each pot. This is the medium sized pot in the Amazon set of 3 and I have 10 white shrub stems inside. They come in a bundle of 8 so if you have two medium pots order 3 bundles. You could definitely get away with just 8 in each! I just wanted mine to look really full and hang off the side so I added a couple extra. I put 6 stems in the smallest pots.

They are short and don’t touch the bottom of the pot, but they still stay up on their own because they are so thick and bushy. I added some packaging below the stems to stand them up just in case!

Ok.. these faux ficus trees are so good! I had faux ficus trees in this spot before and loved the trees but something always felt off about them. I think they were too short for my porch. These trees come in various and I decided to go big ordering the 7 foot size. I’m loving the look! I worried they would hit my lights but they are narrow enough at the top that it isn’t a problem. They looks so realistic too! I love the leaves and they were so easy to put together. Total win! They would look good inside too.

My wreath sold out so sharing some other fun options below! The top row of wreaths are all on sale at the moment. :)

 {Hydrangea Flowers}

I used hydrangeas I’ve had for years from PB on my porch but if you are looking for some to order now I would recommend these! They look and feel so much more realistic than my original faux hydrangeas and are a better price.

Very excited about my summer porch this year! Just a few changes and what’s old is new again. :)

{Faux Olive Tree/Amazon Planters}

I used the small and medium Amazon pots on my porch and the large pots are inside holding trees. I know I’ve shared that before too, but my cute faux olive tree just went on sale so sharing it one last time. For today. ;)

On a personal note we are wrapping up the end of senior year with our little graduate. Sharing a photo dump of recent activities so I have them recorded!

Senior Year (Sunny Side Up)

Last play with the company she has worked with for years. It was an emotional night! The play was Les Mis which is a sad play already and then on top of that it was the last play for all of the seniors with a program for them after that included a slide show and personal notes from the directors. Kenny was just as emotional as I was this time around. He usually only cries this hard at the end of Armageddon when Bruce Willis says “we win Gracie!”.. ha. (Not joking.. he has made us watch that show way more than I’d wish on anyone.) It has been such a joy to watch her perform and sing for all of these years and we have made so many friends through her various shows. Tough night for the seniors and the parents!

Senior Year (Sunny Side Up)

With her director after her first show with this company playing Ariel. Some of you have been with me that long and might remember it!

Senior Year (Sunny Side Up)

And her last. They grow up too fast.

Senior Activities (Sunny Side Up)

Senior night at our church! She has been going hard with school and activities nonstop so I threw together a poster for her and I’m thinking she can take these pics to her dorm in the fall to put on a bulletin board or something. All things that describe Addie. Lots of theatre, singing and student government with Gilmore Girls on repeat in-between. :)

Senior Activities (Sunny Side Up)

Moms asked the seniors questions and we were the first up so she had to think quick!

Senior Activities (Sunny Side Up)

Such a fun night with close friends. Feels like were pushing these kids in our Bob jogging strollers together yesterday!

Senior Activities (Sunny Side Up)

{My dress is linked in this post}

Proud of her for finishing her church class because it involved 4 years of going to school an hour early. Kole is now taller than both me and Addison! We’re in heels so it’s not as obvious. Not that that’s saying much but he’s feeling pretty good about it. ;)

Senior Activities (Sunny Side Up)

Last Saturday night was Senior Prom! Her dress is her favorite color and I teared up when she came down the stairs in it.

Senior Activities (Sunny Side Up)

She had the best night with so many good friends! Living her best life and as a mom it’s so fun to watch. This girl is such a hard worker and known for her kind soul and contagious laugh. I’m so proud of her. We wrapped up her last play with her conservatory group at school and she has a few more end of year activities/parent events and then she turns 18 on the 30th and graduates the 31st! It has been a whirlwind of activity the past few weeks. I know so many of you are experiencing (or remembering!) the same frenzy! She is speaking at her graduation so I’m basically just bringing 4 boxes of tissues. Let’s hope my local store restocks because I’ve bought so many already. The puffy eyes aren’t a good look and they don’t seem to be leaving. I need your best tips moms! I got through this with Ellie (kind of sort of) but it feels even harder the second time around. I’m in a major funk anticipating life with my girls gone. What has helped you!? I’m trying to really focus on getting enough sleep (don’t count tonight since I’m finishing this post at 1:30 am), walking when I can, spending time with friends who are going through the same thing. Any other tips? I seem to do worse with the anticipation of change than actual change itself so I’m hoping that by the time she moves out in August I will have cried all the tears and be done.

Wishful thinking?

Taking it one day at a time right now. :) I know my kids have grown up with many of yours and it seems surreal to be at this stage in the game. Thank you for sharing life with me! It means so much.

Shoot.. it’s too late to start again.. where are those tissues?

xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “Porch/Life Update

  1. Erin,
    Well, twice now I handled it (Empty nest or NEAR empty nest) with a new puppy! ♥ Hypoallergenic puppy! :-) One “baby” out, new “baby” in!
    With Make up, less is more during the “red eye” days! The more black? The more drip and smudge.
    I don’t like the waterproof stuff so just eyelash curler and LESS mascara and a light dose of a THIN eyeliner on TOP ONLY! VERY light, neutral eyeshadow. Do nice lips! they don’t cry!
    IF all else fails, lightly tinted sunglasses. NOT the full, xtra dark movie star ones (even tho U really are a movie star, Erin!) You can get away easily with the light tint INDOORS and no one thinks you are a spy! ;) They work wonders for those early AM, too little sleep, no time for make-up days too! Most folks figure you are just wearing tinted, prescription glasses! BEST “SECRET” EVER!
    BTW your great pics just took me right back to those same moments and I felt so proud FOR you!
    OK. Erin, you were SUPPOSED to CHANGE UP your summer front porch for just this year! I DO forgive you, BUT NOW you just have to do it after July 4th. Late summer PORCH!
    Mid-end of July-Aug “switched up porch”! BEFORE the fall one!
    PS. I agree. Anticipation of the event always causes more anxiety than the actual event does. Well, except for REALLY sad things….. Then the event is worse. :(

    1. Sherri! I thought of you when I kept my porch basically the same.. ha! I just ran out of time to get too creative but I like your idea! Something new after the 4th.. I’m feeling that. ;) And I had to laugh.. I responded to a comment above about having to pull my sunglasses out in the grocery store and then read your comment! BEST KEPT SECRET ever! I’m off to buy some that are less tinted.. ha! It’s scary how alike we think. ;) XO

  2. Aw, such great pictures of your girl! I’m sure it’s bittersweet. I have a junior and I can’t believe he’ll be gone in one year. I’m already starting to feel the tears at certain times. Someone once told me when my kids were little that high school goes by in warp speed and they were not wrong! Hang in there!! And your porch looks amazing, as always!

    1. Thank you so much Leah! It’s a bittersweet time for sure and you are right.. high school FLIES. Senior year pulls at your heart in so many ways but I’m so happy you still have another year of high school with your son! Enjoy every minute. :) xo

  3. My second daughter just graduated this past Sunday and the emotions didn’t really hit me until they told the graduates to move their tassels to the left side of their caps! What the heck? Why did that make me emotional, of all things?! We still have her last dance recital coming up on June 1 and I know I’ll be a mess at some point that night. Hopefully not until the end… And then maybe I can just hide in the changing room while everyone else leaves? How am I going to make it thru asking her to pose for a pic with her dance teachers?? She has college orientation a couple weeks after the dance recital and I think that will be ok because it will be exciting. Let’s not think about August. At least my oldest is back living at home after graduating from college last spring, and I still have my 2 boys at home.

    1. Libbe! I know exactly how you are feeling and emotions always hit at random unexpected times! Never convenient and I have hidden to hide the tears many times. Sometimes I have to pull out my sunglasses in the grocery store. We do the best we can.. ha. I’m so happy you have a fun summer ahead with your oldest home too! Enjoy the time together! Let’s not think about August just yet. ;) xo

  4. Wow, Erin! What a wonderful post. I loved the photos and hearing about some of your daughter’s activities as she comes up on graduation. I remember seeing her pics when she was so small. She has grown into a beautiful, accomplished young woman. You and your husband have done an amazing job raising such lovely and strong young women. You’ve guided and nurtured them well. I know it’s a hard time and I really don’t have any other advice, other than what you shared. I guess I would say is savor the moments. Don’t be sad that the time is ending, but be excited for what she has accomplished and where she is going. I wish I could give you a big hug right now. You’ve all worked so hard to get to this moment. I wish her all the best as she ends this part of her journey and gets ready for the next.

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne.. as always I treasure your kind and wise words! I love your advice and will try to do just that. Grateful for that hug.. I’ll take it. :) XO

  5. Awwww — sweetest post ever about your girl! And your porch, of course, looks fabulous! My daughter is 22 and will graduate from Radiologic Technology college in July. We talk nearly every single night on the phone — so keep your phone charged up is my best tip and lots of visits! I’ve been with you since your little guy was a baby — wow — he grew up and tall so fast! Enjoy every moment!

    1. Oh my word Janet.. you’ve been with me so long! Means a lot to me. :) HUGE congrats on your daughter graduating! Such a major accomplishment.. no doubt you are so proud! I love that you talked almost every night. That alone is making me feel better. I’m so happy for you both! Thank you!! xo

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