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Happy Holidays/Living Room/Target Favs

McGee Arrivals (Sunny Side Up)

Happiest holidays from our family to yours! Thank you for being here and for all of the support you’ve given me this year! Thank you for being the BEST community of readers/friends I could ask for. It means so much to me that you choose to spend time here. More than you’ll ever know. I can’t wait for all of the fun we are going to have together in 2023! No surprise but I’m excited to decorate and organize ALL the things. :)

Below are a few pics of my Christmas living room I never had time to share! Also a beautiful new line of home decor by Studio McGee just dropped at Target so I shared favorites below. I’m enjoying a little down time with my crew for a few days and I hope you’re able to do the same! I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It’s such a great time to reflect on the last year, plan for the new year, rest and enjoy loved ones. With Ellie home this week we are especially focused on family time! Wishing you and your family the happiest of holidays and love and joy in the new year! XO

Christmas Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Christmas Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Christmas Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Christmas Living Room (Sunny Side Up)

Christmas Living Room (Sunny Side Up)


xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “Happy Holidays/Living Room/Target Favs

  1. Beautiful family and home. How blessed you must feel. Enjoy your down time, Erin. You’ve more than earned it. Looking forward to watching more adventures in the new year. Merry Christmas!!

  2. Thank you for your inspiration, sharing your beautiful family and home and especially for being a bit OCD when it comes to organizing like I am!!
    Happy New Year to you.

  3. Merry, Merry Christmas Erin!
    Enjoy it ALL now (in the calm days) with that beautiful family you have been blessed with.

  4. Erin, I love your family picture! I love your blog and I’m so grateful that you’re still blogging. It seems like so many people have abandoned their blogs. Your blog is my favorite, especially since I’m a fellow organizer. I look forward to your blog posts about organizing. I also appreciate your blogs about products you recommend. I’ve tried many of them and haven’t been disappointed. Thanks so much for making my day better. Happy New Year!

    1. Sharon your sweet words about made me tear up! So incredibly kind of you. Thank you! Such a thoughtful thing to say. Blogs are definitely fewer and far between these days! I’m so happy you still enjoy mine and that my posts have been helpful. Honestly you made my day. Maybe my month! :) Thank you again! Wishing the best year yet for you and your loved ones! XO

  5. Hope you have enjoyed all the holiday time with your beautiful family, Erin! I realized it’s been a while since I’ve seen you on IG, so I wanted to check in! :)

    1. MaryJo you are the sweetest to check in! Thank you! Made my day. :) I took a little break from my phone during the holidays but I’m excited to be back next week! I hope you had a great holiday with loved ones too! XO

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