Addie’s first time bowling. I’m not a big fan of bowling, but I loved the way she was rockin’ the shoes.

On the way to a Valentine Party with friends. She’d only hold still long enough to admire her tights. It’s very clear which of my daughters is going to be my future shopping buddy. Ellie only cares about comfort. Addison has learned early on that there are many times you have to sacrifice comfort in the name of fashion. She may look more like her daddy, but she’s got a little of her mom in her too.

Speaking of Addison and her daddy, she sure is becoming a daddy’s girl lately. My girls seem to be all about me until they get close to age four…then there is a switch and all they care about is their daddy. Good timing for another baby. I need some love around here. The above picture of Ellie is a favorite of mine because it shows her life long obsession with grapes.
With temperatures being in the mid to high 70’s this week, we’ve been spending a lot of time at the park. Last weekend the girls had fun at a b-day party doing sack races. They were prepped for this little game from all the hopping they’ve been doing around the house in my pillowcases.
What’s a sack race without a victory dance afterwards?
Typical evening doing homework. Ellie always has a little “helper” that’s never too far away.
And as for me, I’ve been doing lots of cleaning. My energy level has been dropping big time lately and my back always hurts. Once a day I have to take a mini break and sit down and just rest for a minute. My girls are great to entertain themselves and each other, I just have to be prepared for the tornado that is the result of this little rest period.
Like when they turned my hallway into a “boat filled with treasure.” Just like in this post, they’ve also been doing a lot of pretend play on my bed. It’s never made these days. I love that my girls are creative. I just need a creative way to make the ‘after’ messes disappear.
Speaking of messes, the girls were supposed to be picking up their room last weekend and when I came up to check on them, this is what I found. Bless her little heart. Can’t blame her really. This looks a lot more appealing than cleaning to me too.
I cannot tell you how happy it made me to see some messes in your house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serious!!! It gave me hope for myself!!!!!!!!!! :)
I did empathize when I imagined you bending over to clean all that stuff with your cute belly in the way.
Your messes are precious. Can you send them over so I can play with them instead of my messes?
ps, I loved the Dear Erin post. You did a stellar job at describing what so many of us feel. I actually called my sister who has a newborn; because she was feeling a little down. She actually wanted it emailed to her, so she could read it again when she needed. Way to do your good in the world today:)
What sweet randomness!
Oh Pierce would have loved to be there to play in the “boat filled with treasure”! It does look pretty fun! Love all the cute pics of your month, looks like a lot of fun has been going on. Love that Kenny was there for the class party. And I was surprised you said you only had 1 rest time during the day, I’d for sure be having 3 or 4 rests during the day! You just take as many as you need. :)
i love random shots. they represent just what is going on in life at the time. your girls always seem so happy. so great! oh, and we know all about daddy’s girls over here in our home. it’s a party every day when daddy comes home from work. :)
Mess. Shmesh. Look at the boat pic…is that or is that not a perfectly folded pink blanket on the starboard side of the ship?? Someone has mommy’s genes.
Erin, I found your blog through a link about Project Life (I’m doing the digital version) and I have been hooked ever since! I love your writing, your photos and since I am also the mother of two girls and a sweet baby boy, I’m sure we must be kindred spirits! Now, if only I could get some of your decorating skills… The internet is truly an amazing thing, connecting people who would otherwise never know each other. I look forward to many more posts!
Hi Erin, Loved your letter to yourself, just remember they are not that little for very long. Enjoy them.. Loved your February Randomness pictures also, you have such a lovely family. Anyway I have a question for you. How do you decorate for Easter, I see you also use alot of red in your normal decor how do you incorporate the pastels. Thanks and keep blogging Donna in ND
Dido some of the other comments! I am so happy to see that you have occassional messes–although they look kind of organized still. ;) Your girls are darling.
LOVE the pic of Addie in the bowling shoes!! She looks like a little 50’s girl that belongs in a soda shop!! The shoes totally complete her outfit :) :)