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(yes, Ellie is wearing my rain boots… ???)

Addison’s latest: (spring/summer 2010 – age 3/4)

(after she had tripped at my mom’s house for the second time in an hour) “I don’t like Utah. It’s too slippery.”

“I was screaming so loud that my mouth got dizzy.”

“Mommy – I ate a lot of breakfast and now my leg hurts. There’s too much food in it.”

“Mommy, can we go back to Utah? They have little marshmallows there.”

Ellie’s latest (spring/summer 2010 – age 6)

“Addison! You’re ruining my life!”

“Mom, how could we buy a new house? It wouldn’t fit in the car.”

“I’m such a forgetter.”

“Mom, I love you one thousand hundred and eighty plus eighty hundred plus three quarters.”

“Mom, can I have some more honey cream bunches? That’s a nickname for water.”

“Mom, I can’t wait for the tooth fairy to bring me a doll!”
“I don’t think that’s how it works sweetie. I think the tooth fairy just brings money.”
“Well dad said he would e-mail the tooth fairy and tell her what I want.”
(nice one Kenny)

“When I grow up I want to be a teacher, mom, princess, seaworld trainer, fashion girl and babysitter.”

“Kole, what you need is a catastrophe. Mom, what does catastrophe mean?”

“Mom, did that hurt when you got that sore on your tummy? (talking about the scar from my hysterectomy)
“No…the doctors gave me special medicine so I didn’t feel anything.”
“They put you under a spell?!!”

(El’s prayer at the dinner table) “Thank you for the food and I’m thankful mom’s not pregnant anymore and please bless I can have a play date with Evan tomorrow.”

**The girls learned about Satan in church and have been fascinated with the concept of Satan ever since. A couple of my favorite Satan quotes:

(my mom took the girls to Entrada golf course right by her house to see where High School Musical 2 was filmed. The man at the gate wouldn’t let them in to see the pool) Ellie: “that man must follow Satan’s rules.” Addison: “yeah he must be Satan’s dad.”

(At the dinner table) Addison: “Does Satan like rice?”
Ellie: “No. Bad guys have crooked teeth and just like sugar.”

xoxo, Erin

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